How Can You Help?
Donate by Check
Checks can be mailed to the address below. Please write “donation” in the memo line.
Walk in My Shoes Therapeutic Riding
3656 E. Cotton Gin Drive
Clayton, NC. 27527
Donate a Wish List Item
Please consider selecting one or more items from Walk in My Shoes Amazon Wish List (coming soon). We encourage our community to first sign-in to their Amazon account via Amazon Smile (See: Donate Through Retail Purchasing).
Donate Through Retail Purchasing
Click on one of the links below to learn more about how Walk in My Shoes can receive a donation as a result of your retail purchase.
(coming soon)
Purchase Walk in my Shoes Branded Items
Coming Soon
Donate Your Time
See our Volunteering Page!
Your donation makes a difference.
Thanks to you, Walk in My Shoes Therapeutic Riding can:
Reduce the cost of riding activities for our participants
Maintain our sensory trail, and facilities to better assist our riders
Offer professional development opportunities to our staff
Feed and care for our wonderful therapy horses
Provide adaptive equipment for our riders
Train our volunteers
Please consider a matching gift through your employer.